- SketchUp and Digital Photography
- Introduction to Geomodeling with SketchUp and Google Earth
- Working With Terrain and Other Irregular Surfaces
- 3D Basecamp 2014: SketchUp's Role in Architectural Visualization, StudioJDK
- Site Modeling in SketchUp
- 3D Basecamp 2014: The SketchUp Workflow for Architecture, Mike Brightman
- 3D Basecamp 2014: SketchUp in the Courtroom, Joshua Cohen
- 3D Baescamp 2014: Hybrid Sketching Mashup, Jim Leggitt
- Creating Clearer Drawings with Sketchup and Layout, Nick Sonder
- 3D Basecamp 2014: Teaching Ancient History with SketchUp, Matthew Nichols
- 3D Basecamp: Refining SketchUp Interiors (Part 1), Diane Dieterich
- 3D Basecamp 2014: Refining SketchUp Interiors (Part 2), Diane Dieterich
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Sketchup in real works
โดย ผศ.สราวุฎฐ์ วรสุมันต์ , ประยุทธ พันธุลาภ